My Mama Always Said…

Like many mothers & daughters, we’ve certainly had our moments (ah, those Kim teenage years…ok, ready? Yes, you were right – mostly!). My Mom raised my 3 brothers and me. As a stay-at-home/ home-schooling Mom, she was with us literally 24/ 7 (except when she was driving in circles dropping us off & picking us up at all our activities). Mom hasn’t always had an easy ride, but she’s taught me some things that have helped me navigate life, and I don’t go a day without hearing her voice in my head.

On a day like today – her birthday – it’s a perfect chance to share just a few of the little gems she’s passed down over the years…

  1. Bird in hand

Technically the saying goes “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”, but with Mom, it was always the shorthand “Bird in hand” quip whenever her ever-so-indecisive daughter would be painfully trying to decide on whether or not to purchase what was probably a sub-$10 item that may or may not be needed.

  1. If someone has a problem with it, we’ll get them a support group

“Growing up Hogan” required a lot of DIY-ing. I believe Mom & I catered at least 2 or three weddings (including my brother’s). I think I got my desire for perfectionism from her, but this has always been one of my favorite “Momisms” as a reminder that we’re probably the only one that will notice little imperfections (and if someone else does, that’s their problem).

  1. French Fries are really just a utensil for eating ketchup

Perhaps it’s why she’s in her glory when sharing a Happy Meal with her grands, but for as long as I can remember, Mom’s treat meal of choice (outside of chips & guac) is ketchup with a side of fries. I consider it a small caloric victory that she didn’t pass on to me her love of sweet tomato puree, so thankfully, fries are not on my list of forbidden-but-longed-for “not on the program” foods.

  1. Nearly every hard household object can substitute for a hammer in a pinch

True statement. Her victory chant “I am woman hear me roar” after successfully getting the knick knack perfectly placed is forever etched in my memory. Oh, and earthquake putty can hold a LOT more weight than its packaging claims!

  1. Marry someone who brings in the groceries for you when you come home from the store

Guess what, Mom? I did. He also washes the dishes after I cook.

  1. When you’re a parent, you’ll understand

I remember coming home from babysitting jobs at midnight (or sometimes later) to find my Mom, asleep with one eye open on our living room couch. She’d always greet me, kiss me goodnight with a half-asleep reminder “now all my chicks are accounted for…I can go to bed”.

  1. Never pay full price for anything

At the time it was out of necessity, but now it’s just who I am. While I certainly make a few concessions, for the most part, it still pains me to buy something that’s not on sale!

  1. Be the one person that everyone else knows they can count on

Whenever things really hit the fan, that’s when you wish you had MY Mom, who is always there for you (sometimes with a plunger in hand). The week I got the keys to my first house, I was coincidentally babysitting the 18-month-old I nannied for while his family was away. In a desperate multi-tasking attempt to get everything done before they got home, I remember my Mom coming down to my house and cleaning all day while I was at work, then painting with me until 3am, before tucking me in on my new living room floor with baby Madox in my arms.

So thanks, Mom…for everything! And yes, I was actually listening!

Happy Birthday…


Your Favorite Daughter
