I’m Coming Home

In so many ways I feel like I’ve blinked and 7 years have flown by (somehow, it will always seem like it’s been just 3 years that we’ve been together – sort of like how the 90’s will always be 10 years ago)…yet at the same time, it’s hard for me to remember life before you, Brian.

As I’ve been in the road this week, I’ve been looking back on the last 12 years with you, and thinking of the things we’ve managed to pull off: me commuting 90 plus miles between OC & Palm Springs; endless business travel & many miles in between us for days; moving 4 times in as many month; sharing sub-500 square feet of living space (and living out of boxes for over a year during a global pandemic); starting a business; spending nearly 26 months together almost 24/7; and now learning to keep a living creature alive (and preventing her from destroying our house). I guess it makes sense that the days, weeks, and years have passed by in a flash.

I love thinking about the “god old days” and reminiscing about meeting you, our epic 45 minute drive home from Vegas, our Baker, CA Blizzard tradition, the countless “strategic alignment” sessions at Peet’s Coffee, all those rides to & from the airport, and me finally figuring out that we were dating (3 weeks or so after it accidentally happened). But I also wouldn’t trade a single moment of our life today, because somehow you’ve managed to make every year with you better than the one before.

I’m so grateful to know that whatever challenges we’ll face ahead, we’ll take on together. We’ve managed to become an unstoppable team & I know we can handle anything!

I know today’s just another day, and we were both resolved with me being stuck on the road, but I won’t deny that I have a bit of the Christmas Morning feeling 30,000 feet in the air, knowing I’m coming home after all. 

Happy 7th Anniversary ~ being your wife is my most favorite job of all. Thank you for making it so easy to love you!

Now, can I get a ride from the airport tonight? 

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